Shanghai On Internet Famous dishes in Shanghai

Roast Beijing Crammed Duck


1 Beijing duck about 3000g, sweet flour sauce, scallion pieces


  1. Kill the duck, remove its tongue, then depilate it in hot water of 60C, pump air into it to separate the skin and meat. Remove the feet, make a cut in right side to remove the intestines, windpipes, support its breast up with sorghum stalk, remove the wing ends, remove the rectum from anus, clean it with water.
  2. After hooking it up, shower it with boiling water to polish its skin and contract the pores, then pour sweetened water on it. After drying, roast it in a roaster for about 40 minutes.
  3. Cut the skin and meat off, place them in a dish together with a small dish of sweet flour sauce and a small dish of scallion pieces.

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