Shanghai On Internet Famous dishes in Shanghai

Fried & Stewed Eel Pieces


2 eels bone removed about 300g, 250g mincemeat, water chestnuts, dried mushroom shreds, radish shreds, chives, lard, net-like fat, salt, gourmet powder, water chestnut powder, corianders


  1. Grain the water chestnuts, mix them up with mincemeat, salt, gourmet powder, put the mixture on one eel, sprinkle the shreds of dried mushrooms, radish shreds and chives on, then put on a lard piece 5 cm long, 2 cm wide. Place the other eel on this eel, then wrap them with net-like fat and fry them in oil at 80C, take them out and stew them in another pot with little water for about 10 minutes.
  2. Cut the done eels into pieces 2 cm thick, pour on thin paste, circle them with corianders.

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