Shanghai On Internet Famous dishes in Shanghai

Smoked Pomfret


500g pomfret, lilac, cinnamon, anise, dried mushrooms, ginger, chives, onion, red rice flour, carrot slices, black tea, camphorwood crumbs, salt, sugar, gourmet powder, wine, pepper, soy, salad oil


  1. Stir the red rice flour, soy, sugar in water, then heat it to boiling, put in carrot slices, chives, ginger, wine, onion shreds, lilac, cinnamon, dried mashrooms, anise, gourmet powder mix them up and take the pot away from stove to cool down.
  2. Pickle the cleaned pomfret in the spiced soup for about 3 hours, then put it in an oven to be baked in the smoke from the camphorwood crumbs, black tea, sugar which are placed at the bottom of the oven, after a 10-minute baking, take it out, coat salad oil on its surface, place it in a dish together with seasonings.

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