Shanghai On Internet Famous dishes in Shanghai

Baked Clams


150g clam meat, 75g salad oil, garlic, celery leaves, salt


  1. Clean the clam meat, then mix it with salt in a suitable amount.
  2. Place 12 clam shells in a dish, then put the clam meat in each shell.
  3. Place the dish in an oven to bake the clam meat at the temperature of about 200ге for 3 minutes, then take them out.
  4. Mash the garlic, knife the celery leaves into shreds, then mix them with the salad oil, the mixture will look greenish. Pour the mixture on the clam one by one, put the remaining mixture in the dish.
  5. Place the dish on the stove, heat it with a strong fire to make the garlic smell appetizing and clam shells vibrate slightly, that is all.

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