Shanghai On Internet Famous dishes in Shanghai

Saute lobster slices with egg slices & scallops


1 lobster, oranges, eggs, big scallops, river shrimps, pineapple, cherry, Dutch celery, crab ovum, mustard green, salt, gourmet powder, pepper, water chestnut powder


  1. Kill the lobster and slice its meat, coat them with seasoning paste, then knife the mustard green stalk into chips, saute them and put them in the vessel sculpted from orange peel.
  2. Slice the done eggs, put the pineapple grains and cherry grains on them.
  3. Coat the scallops with seasoning paste, scald them in boiling water, place them in a dish, then put the done shrimps on them.
  4. Scald the lobster shell until it looks red, shape it with the Dutch celery, lobster meat and etc. into a figure.

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